Basic Law
Parliament Decree No. 2 of 1952 on Stipulation of Yogyakarta Township Coat
Meaning Symbol:
1. Comparison of size 18: 25, to commemorate the early years of the struggle of Prince Diponegoro in Yogyakarta (1825)
2. Black Color: Blonde Eternity
* Yellow and Gold Color: Blonde nobility
* Color White: Symbol Purity
* Red Color: Blonde Courage
* Color Green: Symbol Prosperity
3. Mangayu Hayuning Bawono: The ideals to improve community
4. Star Gold: The ideals of welfare can be achieved by efforts in the field of prosperity
* Rice and Cotton: The road taken in the prosperity of business clothing and food
5. Shield: Symbol of Defense
6. Tugu: characteristic Yogyakarta
7. Two wings: Coat of force to be balanced
8. Gunungan: Coat of culture
* Beringin Brackets: Populist Symbol
* Bison: Symbol spirit of courage
* Kris: Symbol of struggle
9. There are two sengkala
Kris Gunaning Township Anggatra: Year 1953 was a year of beginning use of Yogyakarta City Symbol
Color Hasta Samadyaning Municipal: Year 1884
In order to foster a pride and established regional mascot Kelapa Gading tree (Cocos Nuciferal vv.Gading) and Bird Spotted (Chinensis Streptoplia tigrina) as the flora and fauna of the identity of the City of Yogyakarta
Kelapa Gading existence of the tree so entrenched in the public life of Yogyakarta, because it is known as the king and the plant has a philosophical and cultural values are very high, as the completeness of the traditional ceremonial / religious, symbolic meaning and is useful as a traditional medicine.
Cuckoo bird with a melodious voice and beautiful bodies capable of providing an atmosphere of peace for the hearing, a favorite of the prince's court environment. With cuckoo bird sound is expected people will be bound to the City of Yogyakarta
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