According to the history, Kraton Yogyakarta has five gates called plengkung. The first one is Plengkung Tarunasura which is located in the east part of northern alun-alun. Today societies call it plengkung Wijilan. Another plengkung which lies in the eastern part is called Plengkung Madyasura. This plengkung was closed on June 23rd, 1812 in order to avoid the invasion of enemies’ troops. Because of it, plengkung is now called Plengkung Buntet (closed).
The third one is Plengkung Nirbaya located in the south part of southern alun-alun. Nowadays we know this plengkung as Plengkung Gadhing. Another plengkung which is located in the western part is called Plengkung Jayabaya. Today societies call it Plengkung Tamansari. It is because its location is closed to the old site of Tamansari Rest Park.
The last one is Plengkung Jagasura which is located in the west part of northern alun-alun. From those five plengkungs, there are only Plengkung Tarunasura or Plengkung Wijilan and Plengkung Nirbaya which are still genuine.
Meanwhile, nowadays we can’t see anymore the other three plengkungs for they no longer exist. Plengkung Madyasura was demolished in the reign of Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII and changed into a common gate, while Plengkung Jagabaya was also transformed into a usual gate and so is Plengkung Jagasura which there’s only its frame left.
Both Plengkung Nirbaya (Plengkung Gadhing) and Plengkung Tarunasura (Plengkung Wijilan) are located in Kelurahan Panembahan, Kecamatan Kraton. Those plengkungs are still strong and sturdy, even though there still some buildings crack caused by dreadful earthquake measuring 5.8 on the Richter Scales occurred in Yogyakarta and a part of central Java.
( www.kratonjogja.com )
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