Yogyakarta Sultanate Kraton is a governmental centre from Yogyakarta Sultanate which has changed into Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta Special Region) as one of Indonesian province. Jeron Beteng is an area which is bordered by Beteng Baluwarti. The Kraton’s main building formation forms an axis which linked Merapi Mountain in the north and Parangtritis Beach in the south. This palace establishment was built based on Catur Gatra Tunggal Philosophy, i.e. the total integration of four royal elements: Kraton, Masjid, Alun-Alun, and Pasar. Beteng Baluwarti as this area border was built when the settlement of VOC troops was getting stronger and the establishment of Benteng Rustenberg (now Vredeburg) which began from 1765 till 1787. Under the supervision of Sultan HB II, Benteng was strengthened by adding the thickness of its wall (4 meters thick). In the corner of Benteng known as Pojok Benteng, the wall thickness can reach 6-8 meters, completed with cannon and spy hole.
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