Tamansari is one of tourism objects which is widely known and visited by many tourists. As well as the other tourism objects nearby, Tamansari also has an extraordinary potential. Up till now most of the tourists who visit Yogyakarta are only interested in visiting tourism objects which have been worldwide, such as Kompleks Candi Prambanan (The camp of Prambanan Temple), Pantai Parangtritis (Parangtritis Coast), and its environs, Kraton Yogyakarta, and so on. But since the earthquake befell on May 27th, 2006 caused some tourism objects in Yogyakarta closed or less attractive, Tamansari becomes one of tourism objects which is possibly able to be visited by many tourists, so that the number of the visitors are expected increased.
Tamansari is located in Taman area, Kecamatan Kraton (Kraton Subdistrict), Kotamadya Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta municipality). Its location is not far from Kraton Yogyakata camp, so that it will be easy to be visited. There are some people who define Tamansari as a beautiful and attractive garden. Tamansari camp lies on a land owned by Sultan Hamengku Buwono (Kagungan Dalem Kraton Yogyakarta) in which its management is handled by Tepas Keprajuritan Buwono Kraton Ngayogyakarta.
Symbolically, Tamansari is defined as a means of transportation which is indirectly attached Sultan to his folks in matters related to inner and outward world because people believe that the water which flows through the Tamansari camp could make the land fertile and prevent it from plant disease. Tamansari is a place for recreation, taking a rest, and also defense aimed to protect Sultan, his wife, and the rest of Sultan’s family. This can be observed from the presence of segaran which is complete with its boats, underground paths, bathing place complete with its fitting rooms, swimming pool for swimming training, a hall for dancing, a kitchen room, and so on. Tamansari was built in the beginning of Kraton Yogyakarta development or in the reign of Sultan Hamengku Buwono I as a present for his wife who was also afflicted in Hamengku Buwono I’s war.
As a place for bathing and recreation, water in Tamansari camp is channeled from Winongo River that flows in the western part of Tamansari. The water is channeled into segaran, a place to amass and run the water, which will be used to fill up the pools through handmade ditches. In the past, there were fruits gardens, but now those gardens are transformed into a settlement.
Among the buildings which are built in Tamansari Camp there are Gerbang Kenari, Gedong Temanten dan Gedong Pangunjukan, Gapura Panggung, Gedong Sekawan, Kolam Umbul Winangun, Gapura Agung, Gapura Carik, Gedong Garjitowati, Gerbang Taman Umbulsari, Pasarean Ledoksari, Pongangan Peksi Beri, Gerbang Sumur Gumuling, Sumur Gumuling, Pulo Kenanga, Urung-urung, Pulo Panembung, Pongangan.
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