Selasa, 08 September 2009

Goa Ngusalan

The cave of Ngusalan is located on the area of Ngusalan where the amazing beach of Ngusalan lies. It can be used as a rest place for visitors that visit the beach of Ngusalan.
Stalactites and stalacmites make the cave more beautiful. When you go in to the cave, it will be wider just like when you are in a large place with natural ornament cave.

Long time ago, it is used as a place to meditate. According to local people, it keeps many misterious mystery that is believed by the people. Recently, only some people who meditate in this place. However, if you want to meditate, you may talk to the person in charge in Wediombo who is later will take to this place.

(Regions Wediombo, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta INDONESIA)

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